Thursday, February 4, 2010

Amsterdam Red Light District Prostitutes

I have had so much fun drawing these. Talk about awesome subject matter. PROSTITUTES IN THE RED LIGHT DISTRICT!!

I've realized, I really need to start applying some color to these drawings, just to break them up a bit and give each drawing a more unique flavor.

But anyways, thanks for seeing what I have been up to. Hope you all enjoy, let me know what you think.



  1. Most awesomness. I hope you used lots of reference photos too. And why do some of the ladies look like men?

  2. Funny story Doug, when I was in Amsterdam and walked through the red light district the fisrt door I got to housed a transvestite.

  3. hahah aw man that is a funny story =)

    awesome blog sir. i really like the maverick stone stuff you have. and these prostitutes looks awesome. especially the big mama one on the bottom. fantastic shapes.

  4. Thanks Dave, you da man. You never sent me that thing.

    And Wayne, why thank you sir. Maverick was a lot of fun, and I must agree the big mama is my favorite. A true compliment from someone as good as yourself sir.

  5. hi lyle!! your prostitutes are very nice...very delicated the line.I like this!!(sorry for my bad english)

  6. Wow, your distortions are awesome. I especially like the bodacious mademoiselle.

  7. L to the Yle, These are amazing and I see the passion and knowledge that went into them. Keep it up because you're taking it to the next level. Much love and miss you.

  8. Thanks Perla, Tran and Craig. I love the positive comments. Especially to Craig man, that means a lot. See you in a week or so.

  9. lyle my mann, these are great dude. your progression is getting better and better. u end up sending stuff into pix?

  10. yo Tim slice! thanks man, I appreciate the compliments. I am submitting a portfolio this Wednesday. It's been hell getting everything together and still managing school and working on films at the same time.
    Did you end up submitting anything?

  11. yay for character designness! loved these.

  12. Hi! I am Yilu~ We meet yesterday on career fair~
    You art work is so great~ I like these~~
