Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Howdy y'all!

Did a few color studies recently. I'm still trying to work out a style and some issues with Amsterdam.

The second set are color studies of an idea I have with Maverick Stone waking up in the morning.

Do feel free to let me know what you think.




  1. Lyle the keys for xxxy are insanely awesome and make me want to be part of the project so much. Fantastic work man!!

    Love the bathroom shot of Maverick too, totally gets that morning/dreary-ish light. Keep it up man~

  2. So awesome! I miss constantly bugging you about your work lyle!

  3. theses are all amazing. i'm rather enjoying watching you and your work constantly progress. all that thought that you put into your scrutinizing observations is definitely paying off. no need to take that as a gab because i'm only envious. i'll get at you soon.

  4. great work lyle, I especially love the first image from the street, great dynamics. always enjoy seeing how this personal project is progressing. hope all is well over in cali brotha

  5. awesome work, love the light/color schemes, especially on the first one.

  6. Thanks guys!! I appreciate all of your comments. And Nate, anytime you want to give me a hand with it, I am so down!

  7. hey lyle these are looking great! I would put a little of mavericks chin in the last one i think it will be a clearer read...and same goes with the second Amsterdam image I would warp the prostitutes body back in space these are really great man finish them out as keys and portfolio that shit!
