Sunday, October 11, 2009

Citroen 2CV Modeled! by David Riddle designed by me

So, I did a front, back, and side view of this stylized Citroen 2cv, which I posted on my blog a while ago. I promised I would model it, but I broke that promise and got a very talented modeler, by the name of David Riddle, to do it for me. And he did an excellent job, really capturing the cartoonish, fun feel I envisioned.
I just today handed David some sketches of the interior of the car, and with some slight additional details, and a custom photoshopped texture this bad boy is gonna purrrr. Just wait.

If you would like to check out David's portfolio, you can view it at:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

alternate Maverick Stone

This is an entirely different approach to the character. Ultimately the decision I make will be based off of an extensive personality profile I have developed. I hope you enjoy.
Thanks agian for visiting.

Friday, October 9, 2009

more Maverick Stone

Maverick is coming along with a lot of experimentation. I'll keep as the design process continues, this is just a small sample. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think

Thanks for dropping in

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Maverick Stone

As some of you might have guessed, I have this weird obsession with the 70's in general, but especially 70's cops. I will be creating a sculpture based off one of the Night Beat characters Mike Goger (fellow animator), Alonzo Alvia (great sequential artist), and I have generated.

I've been doing a huge amount of iterations of the character and am finally coming to a closing point, and will be starting the sculpture in about a week.

These are just a few head constructions I did. Experimentation is a necessity to come up with the best results, which is surely what I hope for.

I will be posting all of the character designs in about a week so be prepared for a H U G E update. And I will keep you all updated with the sculpture as it progresses.

Thanks to all who stop by. Feel free to comment. Let me know which head you favor towards.

Adios Amigos